The Use of Rhythm and Drumming to Improve Reading Fluency and Comprehension


  • Steven Angel Drumming For Your Life Institute
  • Stephen Sideroff Departments of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences and Rheumatology, Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles


drumming, reading fluency, social emotional learning, academic language therapy association, reading and rhythm framework


Reading fluency and comprehension are important factors in many markers of success later in life including health, employment and addiction. Reading programs have historically shown poor results in improving levels of reading. In this research, we applied a novel approach involving the use of drumming and rhythm to unlock the literacy potential of struggling students. Two hundred and ninety-three subjects were recruited from detention camps and juvenile hall, while 25 4 th grade public school students comprised the other training. The Reading & Rhythm program was presented over a six-week period. Results of the study demonstrated significant
improvement in both reading fluency and reading comprehension. These results show great promise for a program that can help students improve reading literacy and thus give them support and a greater opportunity for future success.




How to Cite

Angel, S., & Sideroff, S. (2024). The Use of Rhythm and Drumming to Improve Reading Fluency and Comprehension. International Journal of Complementary and Internal Medicine, 6(1), 293–299. Retrieved from


